Congrats on getting Pretty Frank.
If this is your first time using natural deodorant...
Be sure to check out our Pit Detox tips and tricks - trust us, you're gonna need 'em. Also make sure you're up to speed on how to apply natural deo, because it's a little different.
Not your first time around the natural deo block?
Great! Here are a few things you should know about our stuff.
1. Not all pits are the same. Not even your left and your right. That's why we have a formula (and scent) for every body. Click here to find the right one for you.
2. Pit Primer is your new best friend. Here's why.
3. A little goes a long way. Click here to find out how to avoid pit stains.
4. We want you to use your fingers to apply deodorant. Here's why.